Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sabbath Sunday

Continuing my weekend plunge into solitude, I spent the afternoon and evening at home alone with my cat. I got a lot of study done for my Lenten sermon series and feel really good about that. I did some re-organizing in the kitchen, again something I love to do (I can't even help myself, I love organization - and once it all organized, I like to redecorate and organize again!)
Now, I used to be a religious fan of Extreme Makeover Home Edition, but I had gotten out of the habit of watching it. Tonight I turned it on and wow, I was really moved by a fmily that truly seems to find good in anotherwise dark world. Their story is a mother who loves to photograph and after their third child almost died of respiratory problems at birth, she commited her love and work to photographing families that are in the NICU with their infants. Some infants survive and as we all know, some do not. Especially to the families of infants who did not survive, this womans gift of photography captures a moment they will never get to live again, holding a child, embracing a finger, etc. I have renewed my love of this program as it truly strives to find families who do good in the world and are in need of good themselves. Makes me think about what offerings I can give on a daily basis to the movement of finding good in an otherwise dark world.

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