Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Racism in 2009

Well, as you can tell - I fell off the band wagon... but I have a good excuse. I was away for a week of Continuing ed/vacation and intentially stayed away from computers (except a quick sermon write). I have been really tired all weekend and fighting a headache, so I just couldn't bring myself to blog. But there is something seriously bothering me...
While in Louisville, I was riding in my friends car as she drove through downtown. We came to a stop light and I was just gazing out the window watching people.. there was a couple crossing the street and holding hands, a child waiting to go the other way, some men sitting on some steps, and people waiting at a bus stop. Pretty soon, my friend says, "that's an awfully pretty girl to be with a black man." I had to pull myself out of my gaze and look really hard before I realized she was talking about the couple crossing the street holding hands - he was black and she was white - something I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out. I was sort of speechless, "what do you mean?" I finally asked. "Well, he's so scrubby looking, that's all."
I cannot get that out of my mind and I am so shocked and saddened by such idiotic thinking int he year 2009. And what gets me even more... my friend is in her 40's, she was born and raised in Southern Indiana. Is this a generational thing or a geographic thing? And why? Why would a geography (the south) that is equally black and white be racist - when a geography (the north) that is dominately white have no real racist issues? It doesn't make any sense to me? First of all the stupidity of racism in the first place and then the horrific attitude of making such a comment. I guess I'm mad! Darn mad that in the year 2009 we make our own differences as a human race.
Are we not God's people? Where does it say white, black, asian, latino in the description of God's people? It doesn't! Because it doesn't make an difference - it's the human race - God's people. And its 2009 for crying out loud! When will we ever learn to stop looking at each other with prejudice and simply look at the equality? Seriously, I don't believe I see skin color... because it doesn't ever come into my mind when seeing a human being.

1 comment:

J said...

Don't fool yourself my friend. In this fallen and sinful world racism is alive and well and will be with humanity until Jesus comes. Then we will all be seeing with new eyes and everyone everywhere will see people the way God sees them, with love and acceptance. We as Christians are called to be the salt and the light of the earth and we all need to do our part to love EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE because that is how we best love and serve Jesus our saviour, indeed the saviour of the WHOLE WORLD!!!!