Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blizzard in March

So, a few weeks ago... when we were having really nice weather (one day people were even driving around with their car windows open) and the snow was melting - people kept saying, "Spring is in the air!" And I chuckled and said, "Nah, it's just a tease." I have to admit, the only reason I responded like that was because I didn't want to jinx it (I never thought I was supersticious, but maybe I am?), when really, deep down, I was hoping they were right. Well, they were wrong. We got dumped on today and all I can hope now is that it continues and everything is called off tomorrow. It would be nice to have another day to get caught up for my week away next week.
No major insights today, just lots of catch-up and a fun tour of the old catholic church with my priest friend. We even turned on the abandonded organ and found it to work! But then it was back to business, meetings seem to be all I do these days. Anyway, plans are progressing for our building renovation and I am looking into places we can move to while the big build is taking place - thus the tour of the old catholic church.


Kristin said...

How come you were touring a Cahtolic Church? I didn't know you were renovating! We are nearing (I hope) the end of phase one on our building renovation. It has been very loud, and dusty around here since August! I really like the construction guys though.. very nice and gentlemen like. I will we sad when they leave... but not that sad!

Kimbrel said...

We are renovating! And the Catholic church still has their old building and if we can move into it - and completely out of our building - then they can work faster!