Saturday, February 28, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Well, I really wanted to see the movie and I did this afternoon. It is great and a must see! It had me thinking all kinds of thoughts: 1)I can't believe in our world we actually force people to live like that. 2)We should be ashamed of ourselves that poverty is such an issue, India or America.. it should not be anywhere. 3)I still have faith that goodness comes from within and not overlooked because of bad situations.
Those of you who know me well, know that I am not rah rah America. I love our country, but I believe all countries need to be treated equal and that all people are an image of God. But I have to admit, as I watched that movie and different tolerances that are allowed in other countries, I felt blessed to live in a country that doesn't allow some of those awful things to happen. Yes, a lot of bad still happens - but people can't just run into a neighborhood and start killing everyone, nor can people beat a child in the streets and torture them to get answers. Our legal system makes me mad often, but it also makes me glad that people have rights and we are forced to respect one another or face justice. Sure, there is hidden offences, but if its seen, its stopped.
This was an interesting movie for me.

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