Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

So, as you know from yesterday's blog: I was struggling with the beginning of Lent. But as the day began with or without my readiness (as it always seems to do), I embraced it!
I decided a few things for myself: This year lent is going to be very much about my personal relationship with God and how that needs to be transformed - not just for 40days - but for my life-long journey. It was incredible because I thought about this all morning, and then, when I walked into my office at 8am, I saw that someone had put a vase of red carnations on my desk! I couldn't help but wonder if it was a way of God inviting me into this period of lifetime self-discovery!? Like, "here I am and I'm excited you are taking this so seriously.. by the way, I love you and I'm in this with you."
So, I have decided:
1. I am going to work really hard on "gracious acceptance" of a person that truly eats away at my inner soul - in an attempt to see this person as God does.
2. I am going to blog or journal on a daily basis - as a way of communicating my thoughts and focusing my day.
3. I am going to do my cardio training 5 days a week - as a personal reflection on myself as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
4. I am going to refrain from saying yes to everything - as a way of taking time for sabbath renewal and personal time with God.
And 5. I am going to give up brussel sprouts. Because I don't eat brussel sprouts anyway and I think giving something up only to go back to it later isn't honoring the life-long journey with God. God knows I dislike brussel sprouts and God knows I will always dislike brussel sprouts. So, why not call a spade a spade and move on to things that will really strengthen my for my life-long journey with God!?


J said...

I admire you.

Kristin said...

I like brussel sprouts but very rarely eat them! Maybe I'll add them to my Lenten diet!