Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Changing Culture

I attended a leadership conference this week, it was for people who moderate Committees on Preparation for Ministry, and you guessed it, I am that person for our Presbytery. Which means I lead the Committee that works with seminary students who are considering a call to Ministry. Anyway, the conference theme was New Realities in Church and Culture and implications for COM/CPM. It was a great week of learning about cultural changes, now being a huge technological change, and how ignoring it will only ensure people don't show up for church. It all got me questioning: How can we assume to attract people if we aren't even bringing God into their reality? In a world of text messaging, Facebook, Ipods, and Iphones, how do we relate church and get on board with where society is going? It's just food for thought, but pretty critical and we continually wonder how to engage new people and younger people in the church.

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