Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thoughts on Health

So I am true to my word: I had been saying all of November and December that once January rolls around, I am going to get serious about my weight loss again. I had lost about 50 pounds in 2007, put maybe 25 back on in 2008, but am now actively doing weight watchers again. Today was weigh-in day and I was down 3.2 pounds! It felt great cause I had worked so hard this week and was really feeling good, so to see the scale slip down. I know I can do this and I want to do this for me.
I was inspired my friend, Kristin's, facebook entry about her struggle with weight and how she has become a health nut. I believe God created our bodies to be healthy and its so true that we only actually feel good when our bodies are healthy. So.. here I go again, on a huge endeavor to drop more pounds, get healthy and feel good about the body God gave me. Encouragement always goes farther than we think... so keep it coming, and I will keep you posted.

On that note, I had a emergency scare today. My jaw locked and I had to go to the dental specialist. I was diagnosed with TMJ, I clench my teeth and it is straining my muscles - they are so inflammed it's painful and dangerous. Anyway, I have some drigs to get the swelling down and he molded me a new little devise that fits on my front teeth - it keeps me from clenching. Problem is, right now I have to wear it as often as I can, day and night. But I can't talk all that well with it in, so I keep taking it out and putting it back in. But after it all settles, I only have to wear it at night, so that will be good. It's alreayd helping - but he wasn't able to assure me that this will solve it - they will check it again later and hopefully I won't need metal plates put in my jaw. Yikes! I already feel relief though, so I have a good feeling this will do the trick.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

OMG! I didn't know you did Weight Watchers! You know that is what I've done all along, I even led meetings when I was in Eau Claire. I don't lead them now because of time and because I'm about 10lbs above my goal. I thought you did South Beach? I love the new Weight Watchers program, more of an emphasis on helthy whole foods versus processed stuff! Good luck Kim. Maybe we shold be Weight Watch AND Ministry buddies!! I go to meetings on Wednesday mornings!