Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Graduation & Disappointment

As I sit in my office after everyone has left our night of celebrating our graduating seniors, I've got tears falling from my eyes. This has been a very special graduating class for me - there are only six but all six of them have been active at church my whole 6 years here. So I have many memories and in my sermon I was able to pin point each of their gifts and how I see them as a blessing to this world. It makes me sad though, for kids that don't have church connections - for kids that aren't reminded that they are a blessing to the world. So often church is just for "when we need it" or "when something special is happening." I've really been having a hard time with that lately, I feel sad for a God who in many ways is taken advantage of. I am sure there are many things in which brings sadness to God, but I am so overwhelmed these days of the total lack of respect and integrity we give God. Isn't it funny how I should be thrilled this time of the year, celebrating memories and wishing kids well while encouarging to bring God with them into their future - but instead, I'm disappointed at society and how we have allowed the church and God to take a back seat. I'm sure my crabbiness will be lifted at the six graduation parties, but for now, I'm pondering how we might help people wake up to the reality of God in the midst of tranistions within our journies.


Kristin said...

I feel your pain! So often around here we talk about how, "they'll be back when they NEED something" but something that keeps me going is that even thought their motivation for being at church isn't necessarily positive they are still there and that is our opportunity to reach out to them and help them to experience Christ's love for them. They might not accept it or we might not know how we are influencing these young lives but we must believe that we are. How lucky you are to have kids who are active for 6 years! You have been a invited to 6 grad partites! You are definately a blessing in their lives!

p.s. I'm not sure if you're reading but sorry my blog has been mosting about trying to have a kid, its just where my mind is right now!

Ailurophile said...

You are so right. This lack of respect and faith in God is prevalent all across the world in these supposedly modern times. In the end I feel, it's life itself and its experiences that bring one closer to God at some point or the other.

Nice blog :)